
西洋情人節(Valentine's Day )的由來:

Saint Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is on February 14. It is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other; sending Valentine's cards or candy. It is very common to present flowers on Valentine's Day. The holiday is named after two men, both Christian martyrs among the numerous Early Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.

The day is most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines." Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten notes have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards. The mid-nineteenth century Valentine's Day trade was a harbinger of further commercialized holidays in the United States to follow. The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. The association estimates that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.

In the United States, the marketing of Valentine's Day has tagged it as a "Hallmark holiday." A recent trend has been to refer to February 14 as Singles Awareness Day.

公元3世紀,羅馬帝國皇帝克勞迪烏斯二世在首都羅馬宣布廢棄所有的婚姻承諾,當時是出於戰爭的考慮,使更多無所牽掛的男人可以走上爭戰的疆場。一名叫瓦侖廷(Sanctus Valentinus)的神父沒有遵照這個旨意而繼續為相愛的年輕人舉行教堂婚禮。事情被告發後,瓦侖廷神父先是被鞭打,然後被石頭擲打,最後在公元270年2月14日這天被送上了絞架被絞死。14世紀以後,人們就開始紀念這個日子。現在,中文譯為“情人節”的這個日子,在西方國家裡就被稱為Valentine's Day,用以紀念那位為情人做主而犧牲的神父。


在這個神父在監獄裡時,據說他送出了第一個“情人節”祝福。據說他愛上了曾來監獄看望他,獄長失明的女兒亞斯得莉斯,並奇蹟地治好了她的眼睛,使之重見光明。在他臨刑前,給女孩一封信,署名“from your Valentine”(這個表達現在還在使用)。儘管這些傳說不真切,但是卻表達了他的富有同情心、英雄氣概、以及最重要的浪漫主義的人格。



參考資料 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day 高雄援交妹單身聯誼相親高雄援交妹忍者傳說
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